Our Services

ROYS FINANCE, an AMFI-registered Mutual Fund Distributor, excels in providing personalized financial solutions based on the clients’ unique requirements and risk appetite, ensuring high returns while minimizing the risk factors.

We invest in understanding each individual, their family, their goals, their risk-taking abilities and suggest the right plan and solutions for them.

Portfolio Management​

We provide Portfolio Management Services where we manage the entire investment portfolio of an individual and allocate their wealth in various sectors like equity, fixed income, debt, and various other products, based on their unique and personalized requirements.

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Mutual Fund Solutions​

We help our investors in creating long-term wealth by minimizing the market risks using proven and time-tested techniques like Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) and Systematic Transfer Plan (STP). We work with all Mutual Fund companies and provide end-to-end service.

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Goal Based Planning

We gather various data points from you to understand your financial goals in a scientific way and build a plan to reach your goals in your desired time frame. We work hard and continuously keep evaluating your progress so that you can live a stress-free financial life.

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Retirement Solutions

Retirement is a phase of your life where you have no income but your expenses are much higher than present expenses due to inflation and you might also have to deal with various expenses related to health problems. We at ROYS FINANCE can help you effectively manage your retirement life and all finances associated with it.

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Life Insurance Planning​

We provide Life Insurance consultation and offer you the right products according to your and your family's requirements. Life Insurance is one of the most important aspects of one's financial life that is often overlooked. It provides you and your family with the much-needed safety net in case of an unfortunate death.

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General Insurance Planning​

Insurance is an important tool in your financial life that can safeguard you and your family from any unfortunate event that can happen anytime in your life. We work with you in identifying your specific risks and requirements and provide various insurance solutions based on that.

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Loan Management Solutions​

We provide consultation on various loan products available in the market and which ones are suitable for you based on your asset portfolio and unique requirements. Our team has helped a lot of individuals in selecting the right scheme and the right tenure so that we can minimise your monthly EMI.

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Income Tax Planning​

Let's admit, none of us likes to pay hefty taxes. We, at ROYS FINANCE, provide Tax Planning services to help you take full advantage of various exemptions, deductions, rebates, etc. that are allowed by the law so that you can reduce your tax liability and create investments for long-term wealth gain.

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Estate Planning

We can help you in planning how your "estate", which includes all your assets, properties, insurance, pension, belongings, etc. can be transferred to your future generations after your death. Estate Planning ensures that all the wealth that you have accumulated over your lifetime is protected and will be transferred to the right people of your choice.

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Financial Problems? Queries?

If you are looking for expert help on your financial problems,
then here’s your chance to book a FREE personal consultation with our expert Wealth Coaches.

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Office Address

ROYS FINANCE, 506, Eco Suite Business Tower, Action Area IID, New Town, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700136

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Our phone lines are available, Monday to Friday 10 AM to 6 PM and Saturday from 10 AM to 3 PM.

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